Puppy Protocol

We offer a free check-up for puppies that are too young to be ready for their vaccinations.


Vaccination Protocol for Puppies 2020

First DHP/L4 & KC at 8wks (if no KC give DHPPi)


Second DHP/DHPPi at 10wks (minimum of 2wks after the 1st DHP) Second L4 at 12wks (4wks after the 1st L4)

Both 2nd injections can be done by a VN unless there is something the vet needs to re-check.

Puppy can go outside 1wk after the DHP/DHPPi at 10wks+ old. With the above protocol that would be 11wks old, but needs to avoid water-courses, such as rivers/streams etc until 15wks old (see below).

L4 onset of immunity is 3wks after 2nd injection This is why we advise not going near water until this time. With the above protocol that would be 15wks.

Other information:

DHP/L4 license info:

  • DHP can be given from 6wks. If the first vaccine is given at less than 10wks then a second needs to be given 2-4wks later (with the final vaccine being at least 10wk old). Onset of immunity is 7d after the first vaccine at 10wks old or more.

  • L4 can be given from 6wks, a second vaccine has to be given 4wks later with the second vaccine being at least 10wks old. Onset of immunity is 3wks after 2nd vaccine. (There is allowance to have up to a 6wk gap between the two but 4wks is the ideal/on license timing).

  • We can do the 2nd DHP and L4 together, 4wks after the first ones (normally when the puppy is 12wks old), but this will delay the puppy going out by 2wks. So the puppy would be able to go out at 13wks and won’t be able to go near/in water until 15wks old.

KC info: KC can be done at any vaccine but, especially during C-19, we need to make sure we have asked for consent and that no one in the household is immunosuppressed - and recorded this on the animals records.

Flea/worming info:

  • We would still advice giving 3 day course of panacur and microchip at 1st vaccine (for puppies and kittens)

  • Free advocate can be given at the 2nd vaccine and then a VN appointment made 1 month later for a weigh and worm check.

Scheme info:

  • Make sure you tell owners about the free month on the scheme (given if puppy vacc course paid in full at 1st vaccine) and give them information leaflets about the scheme. VN can follow this up at puppy video chat (make sure you ask reception to make this appointment in the few day after 1st vacc).

  • If you are seeing the puppy for a 2nd vaccine please remind them about the scheme. If they’re in for the 2nd DHP remind them that by the time they come back for the 2nd L4 the scheme will be running out a day or two later and we would encourage them to sign up at that point (if not already done at the first vaccine) so there is no gaps in the scheme which could result in unexpected expenses and excluded conditions.

  • If they’re in for the second L4 the free scheme will run out in a day or two.

L2 vaccine: If client wants L2 rather than L4 then vaccine protocol is as before (DHP/L2/KC at 8wks with DHP/L2 at 10wks, then ok to go out 2wks later).

Rabies vaccine: Can’t do L4 or KC at same time as Rabies vaccine (they have to be >12wks for rabies vacc). Anything other than the same day is ‘on license’ but the recommendation is to leave a 2wk interval between the vaccines.


Please note that although we offer a free check-up for puppies that are too young to be ready for their vaccinations, this does not apply to full litters of puppies.


Last reviewed June 2020