Kitten Protocol

We offer a free check-up for kittens that are too young to be ready for their vaccinations.


The following is a list of how we can help you with the new arrival to your family.

  • FREE pre-vaccination check. So you’ve just collected your kitten, but it is less than nine weeks old, too young to start its full vaccine course… Don’t worry, and don’t delay. Bring the kitten in for a free health check with one of our vets, and a cuddle from one of the nurses!


  • Primary kitten vaccinations (full course for flu/enteritis/leukaemia – £70.20 ) To replace the temporary protection provided through the mother’s milk your kitten will require a pair of injections given three weeks apart (usually given at nine and 12 weeks of age). These vaccines will protect against cat flu and enteritis, with the option to also receive a vaccine against feline leukaemia virus.


  • FREE comprehensive flea and worm treatment for the first month (usual price £11.65) We would recommend the use of a spot-on with a multiplicity of actions – our preferred product removes roundworm, and controls fleas and ear mites in a single treatment. And if your kitten is being vaccinated at the clinic, the first monthly treatment is completely free


  • FREE first month on our popular in-house Healthcare Plus plan (worth £30.50) Healthcare Plus protects clients from the risk of large bills should their pet be injured or become ill. For beyond the cost of the initial consultation, all in-house clinical investigations (blood tests, x-rays, scans, etc), all prescription drugs, sedatives, anaesthetics, surgical procedures and essential nursing will be covered by the scheme at no extra cost to the owner! Each kitten which receives a full vaccine course, and for which full payment is made at the first consultation, will receive a month’s free membership of this increasingly popular scheme. Full terms and conditions are available here.


  • 20% discount on an identification chip (discounted price: plain £17.75 , Biotherm £27.64) Discount given when the identification chip is inserted at the time of the second kitten vaccination. Identification chips implanted under the skin over the shoulder blades provide owners with a reliable and simple means of permanently identifying their pet. The presence of an identification chip will allow a straying animal to be rapidly reunited with its owner.


  • FREE six-month pre-neutering check. We aim to recall all kittens at six months of age for a free assessment. Our nurses will give your kitten a thorough look over, log its weight, check that its adult teeth are coming through properly, and discuss the suitability and timing of neutering for your pet. For owners of limited means we can neuter cats under the Cats protection voucher scheme.


  • We are happy to accept vouchers from Cats Protection which will reduce the normal cost of neutering your kitten. Full details will be available from our reception.


  • All vets are expected to make provision for the emergency care of those animals currently registered with their practice. However not all practices in Carlisle provide this service themselves. Several practices out-source their emergency cover and an owner may be expected, in an emergency, to drive out to a practice some distance from the city for attention. Ashlea Vets provides its own emergency service, in-house, where your normal veterinary surgeons will have full access to your pet’s clinical records. Having your pet vaccinated at the centre confirms your entitlement to make use of our out-of-hours service.