Out of Hours Emergency consultation fees

At Ashlea Vets we passionately believe that in an emergency you and your pet should be seen in your own practice by our regular staff with full access to your pets’ clinical notes.

For this reason we do not share night service with any other veterinary practice.  We would never expect you to drive outside of Carlisle to another clinic when you and your pet need us most. 

Our 100% small animal vets are fully supported by an experienced nursing team, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Out-of-hours our phones are answered by the vet on call so you can phone for advice if you are unsure whether your pet’s problem is truly an emergency.

Call-out fees will vary depending on the time of day or night you are seen (see the table below). Should your pet be registered with any of our in-house Healthcare schemes then you will get 20% discount off the cost of the call out fee.

Attention by vet and veterinary nurse at the clinic

Time of call-out Attention from vet    Attention by vet and veterinary nurse
Daytime* 8.30am – 6pm    £172.44 £202.62
6pm – Midnight £228.90 £268.97
Midnight – 8.30am £287.76 £338.12

*Surgery closed.

While most out of hour appointments are better carried at the clinic there may be rare circumstances when a house visit is necessary. If you and the duty vet decide this is needed they will advise you on the costs beforehand.

These prices are significantly higher than during the normal working day.  This is unavoidable, as the cost of our out-of-hours service has to reflect our need to abide by the requirements of the Working Time Regulations.   Our staff members are entitled to an unbroken eleven hours rest between working days; consequently any staff called out through the night are unable to return to work the following morning.  These fees allow us to arrange adequate cover by other members of staff for the next working day.